
The IRN organizes a bi-monthly virtual seminar, open to all.

Friday September 20th 2024 (10AM, NYC time), Priyasha Mukhopadhyay will hold a session devoted to the launch of her book Required Reading: The Life of Everyday Texts in the British Empire (Princeton University Press, 2024). Here is the Zoom link to follow the session.


Cover for Scripting Empire

Friday May 3rd 2024 (10AM, NYC time), James Procter held a session devoted to the launch of his book Scripting Empire. Broadcasting, the BBC, and the Black Atlantic (Oxford University Press, 2024). Here you can find the introduction of the book.


Friday March 22nd 2024, the International Group for Studies of Colonial Periodical Press of the Portuguese Empire presented its research projects and publications.


Friday December 1st 2023, at 10 AM EST, Professor Francesca Orsini (University of London) talked about her latest book, East of Delhi. Multilingual Literary Culture and World Literature (Oxford University Press, 2023).



The-Bloomsbury-Handbook-of-Postcolonial-Print-Cultures coverFriday September 22nd 2023, at 10 AM EST, Professor Stephanie Newell (Yale) chaired the virtual book launch of The Bloomsbury Handbook of Postcolonial Print Cultures edited by Toral Gajarawala, Neelam Srivastava, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan and Jack Webb.


Friday June 16th 2023, at 10 AM EST, Sonal Khullar (UPenn) presented her new edited volume Old Stacks, New Leaves:  The Arts of the Books in South Asia, discussed by Toral Gajarawala (NYU)



Friday March 24th 2023, at 10 AM EST, Isabel Hofmeyr (U. Witwatersrand) presented her recent book Dockside Reading: Hydrocolonialism and the Custom House, discussed by Neelam Srivastava (Newcastle University) and Laetitia Zecchini (CNRS)