Newsletter # 1 – september 2023

IRNPPC Seminar

Friday September 22, 2023
(3:00 PM London / 4: 00 PM Paris /10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)

Virtual book launch of The Bloomsbury Handbook of Postcolonial Print Cultures edited by Toral Gajarawala, Neelam Srivastava, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan and Jack Webb. The discussion has been chaired by Professor Stephanie Newell (Yale) and has featured short interventions by some of the contributors, followed by an open discussion.

Recent Publications

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Postcolonial Print Cultures (2023), edited by Toral Gajarawala, Neelam Srivastava, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan and Jack Webb has just been published. Many contributors of the ground-breaking volume are part of the network.

With an introduction by the four co-editors ; contributions by Aakriti Mandhwani, Laetitia Zecchini, Chana Morgenstern, Francesca Orsini, Isabel Hofmeyr, Saronik Bosu, Sarah Brouillette, Hala Halim, Paulo Horta, Sara Marzagora, Tanya Agathocleous, Gail Low, Charles Forsdick, Emily Hydde, Binita Mehta, Emily Sibley, Neelaam Srivastava, Rochona Majumdar, Christi Merril, Sarah Rahman Niazi, Joseph Slaughter, Elizabeth Holt, Supriya Chaudhuri, Rossen Djagalov, Anjali Nerlekar, Jack Webb, Christian Hogsbjerg, and an afterword by Stephanie Newell. Purchase the book >>

Magazines and World Literature, co-edited by Patricia Novillo-Corvalan and Francesca Orsini, with essays on Argentinian, Chinese, Hindi, Italian, Hindi, and Urdu magazines, Journal of World Literature, 8 (2), 2023.
Read the articles >>



Francesca Orsini, East of Delhi: Multilingual Literary Culture and World Literature, New York : OUP, 2023.
Purchase the book  >>




Maëline Le Lay, La parole ‘hors-plateau’ comme source : Réflexion sur l’usage d’une retranscription de table-ronde dans le cadre d’une recherche sur le théâtre au Rwanda. Suivi de Théâtre, mémoire et réparation au RwandaSources. Materials & Fieldwork in African Studies n° 5 : 215–276, 2023. Read the article >>

Claire Riffard, Dans les archives littéraires francophones africaines : Approche génétique et constitution de corpusSources. Materials & Fieldwork in African Studies n° 5 : 47-69, 2023.
Read the article >>

Laetitia Zecchini, Trafficked! Indian-American Little Magazines Networks and the Arvind Krishna Mehrotra/Howard McCord Correspondence, special Post45 Contemporaries Cluster on ‘Little Magazines’, edited by Nick Sturm, June 2023.
Read the article >>

IRNPPC workshops and conferences

The report of the first workshop on postcolonial print cultures and archives, held at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris on June 27th-28th, is online on our website (and it has been translated into English).

Upcoming workshop : January 2024, organized by Josephine McDonagh (UChicago) at the University of Chicago Center in Paris on ‘Print Cultures Before the Postcolonial Era’.

Upcoming conference : July 2024, organized by Laetitia Zecchini (CNRS) at the University of Chicago Center in Paris on ‘Law and Print in Postcolonial Contexts: Censorship, Copyright and Piracy

Other news

Albert Constant-Piot (Ecole normale supérieure) has been appointed web and communication administrator for the IRNPPC thanks to funding from PSL (EUR Translitterae).

His areas of comparative research are Papua New Guinea and The Democratic Republic of the Congo. His work straddles art history and anthropology and examines the relationship between dreams and objects with a focus on ethnographic textualities.
Welcome to the network, Albert !

From today onwards please send all IRNPPC news that you would like to promote (concerning publications, jobs, conferences, etc) to him:

Also taking this opportunity to thank Maria Laura Cucciniello and Richard Walter (THALIM – CNRS) for their fantastic work on the new website.

Copyright © International Research Network on Postcolonial Print Cultures 2023, All rights reserved.